Dance Waiver SCHEF Homeschool Student and Guests

indicates a required answer

SCHEF Homeschool Student and Guest



SCHEF’s Fireflies & Flannel Dance
September 21, 2024
7 PM-10 PM
Journey Fellowship Church
1460 Lindberg Drive
Slidell LA. 70458

  • Open to ALL homeschool students ages 13-19
  • Come dressed in your favorite flannel shirt, dress, boots, headband or ALL OF IT! Please remember that all clothing must be in accordance with the SCHEF dress code.
  • Non-homeschool guests: a homeschool student may invite one (1) non-homeschool guest and will be responsible for that guest’s behavior. (SCHEF code of conduct and dress code will be enforced - see website under All About Us for clarification if needed)
  • No outside food or beverages will be allowed. Light snacks will be provided.
  • No alcohol, tobacco, vapes, drugs, or weapons will be allowed. Chaperones reserve the right to search purses or pockets. Violators will be escorted out and will not receive a refund.
  • No one will be allowed to enter the facility after 8:00 p.m.
  • If a student leaves the dance, they will not be allowed to re-enter.
  • Please remember that this is a SCHEF-sponsored event. Dancing, attire, and behavior must be appropriate.
  • Parents will not be able to enter until 9:50 pm.
1. *

I have read the SCHEF Dance policies above and the SCHEF Dress Code on the website under All About Us.  By checking here I agree to abide by the rules set forth by SCHEF.

2. *

Student Name (First and Last)

3. *

Student Cell phone #

4. *

Student Age

5. *

Guest Name (First and Last) N/A if it doesn't apply

6. *

Guest's Cell Phone Number (N/A if it doesn't apply)

7. *

Guest's Age (N/A if it doesn't apply)

8. *

Parent's Name (First and Last)

9. *

Parent's Phone Number

10. *


Waiver of Liability

This agreement releases SCHEF and the SCHEF FireFlies & Flannel Coordinators from all liability relating to injuries that may occur during the dance. By signing this agreement, I agree to hold SCHEF and the SCHEF FireFlies & Flannel Coordinators entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred, regardless of whether injuries are caused by negligence.
I also acknowledge the risks involved in dancing and eating light snacks. These include but are not limited to hurt feelings, twisted ankles, slips and falls, and choking. I swear that I am participating voluntarily and that all risks have been made clear to me. Additionally, I do not have any conditions that will increase my likelihood of experiencing injuries while engaging in this activity.
By signing below I forfeit all right to bring a suit against SCHEF and the SCHEF FireFlies & Flannel  Coordinators for any reason. In return, I will receive entrance to the event and a night of dancing with some pretty amazing people. I will also obey any safety precautions as explained to me verbally. I will ask for clarification when needed. I further acknowledge that if I bring alcohol, vape cigs or supplies, tobacco, drugs, or weapons, I will be escorted out & will not receive a refund. In addition, I agree to the following: no inappropriate language, behavior, dancing, or no PDA. If chaperones notice the above from me, I will be given one warning. If the behavior persists, I will be escorted out of the dance, my parents will be notified, and I will not receive a refund.

I, the undersigned, fully understand and agree to the above terms.

11. *

Student Signature (First and Last)

12. *

Guest Signature (First and Last)

13. *

Parent Signature (First and Last)

Please submit up to 3 song choices for the dance playlist.  Include the song title and artist.  Please use discretion.


Song Request #1


Song Request #2


Song Request #3